What you'll need:
2 potatoes, an onion, and 3 eggs.
What you'll do:
1. Peel potato and cut into cubes. dice the onion.
2. Put potato and onion in a pot with 1 tbsp olive oil to brown, adding salt and pepper, and a bay leaf if you have it.
3. Once the mixture has browned, add 2-3 cups of water and let it simmer for 10 minutes or until potatoes are cooked. Taste and add more salt and pepper as needed.
2. Lightly beat 3 eggs in a small bowl and add to the water mixture, along with one whole egg for each person eating the soup.
3. Serve in a bowl over a piece of toasted bread. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese if you feel you really deserve such a luxury.
Total Cost: $2.20 (That's without the cheese. If you choose to go there, you're on your own. It's a recession for god's sake)
that sounds incredibly good, actually! insanely simple as well.