Hello, Halloween procrastinators!
This is certainly not the year for buying pricey, ready-made costumes (although apparently "Gilt Man" and his buyers didn't get the memo...) or even for splurging on clothes and accessories to put your own together.
Instead, here are some cheap and easy (but not boring) DIY costumes for this recessiolicious Halloween:
Crayon: dress all in one color, and wear a cone party hat in the same color. Face paint optional.
Cocktails: there are lots of fun, easy, and original ideas to be had in this category. For instance, be Sangria by dressing in purple and stringing candy fruit onto jewelery. Added bonus: purple makeup.
Song Titles: another category full of possibility. They're so easy but people will get a kick out of them they're original, and surprising. "The Long and Winding Road" requires only black clothing and yellow duct tape dashed along the legs and torso. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" promises lots of fun with glitter and sparkly jewelery! Note: by no means feel confined to Beatles songs!
Bat(/batman/batwoman): Dress in all black and use an umbrella to fashion bat-wings!
First, remove the shell of the umbrella from the tube and cut it in half. Next, pin each half to the sides and arms of a black dress. Cut ears out of black paper and attach them to a headband with a little glue
Wind-up Doll: It's easy and its cheap, and you get to walk around acting creepily wide-eyed and soulless all night!
Wear light foundation and paint circles of rosy blush on your cheeks. Wear any cute dress, and a big hair bow. Key elements: big fake eyelashes and, most important, fashion a wind-up out of cardboard.
As you can probably tell, I happen to prefer costumes not based on actual humans or human characters. But that's just me...
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