Monday, October 12, 2009

Guest Post: The Recessiotarian!

This week on the Recessionist, one woman bravely goes where ... well, where all too many of us have gone before. But she does it better. Call it an experiment in freeloading, or maybe an investigation into the art of mooching. Call it what you will - we just call it necessary. For the next seven days, this blog will accompany one very broke friend of mine (E.B) as she discovers just how little a truly motivated Recessionist can get away with spending on food in a week. With no further ado, EB and her week of cheap.
Hello readers! I'm honored to be doing this guest spot on Brooklyn Recessionist. This week I will regale you with tales of taking cheapness to the next level and rising to the challenge of finding out just how much free food one person can get in a week.

I'll say right now that I plan to not purchase a meal or any food for consumption from Monday through Thursday. I buy groceries collectively with the other women in my house, so I pitch in $15/wk, but I hope to not use any of those items for the meals I describe as "free" this coming week. Because, well, it's more fun that way. So here's how it went down on Day 1!

Recessiotarian Monday

This morning I went to a training for work on Public Assistance budgeting at LSNY served us coffee and a delicious breakfast of fruit and pastry. I chowed down on the food like because it was my job and, despite a weird look from the guy sitting behind me, also slipped a danish and a croissant into my bag, which I had for lunch. Hello Sugar Rush, why don't you stay a while.

After work I met up with a friend who has access to the VIP Lounge at the Lincoln Center where they serve free drinks to anyone cool enough to hang there :) They were showcasing some fancy vodka so I had passion vodka, soda, and grapefruit juice (ok, I had 3) and then we headed off to Williamsburg where we had planned to buy pizza for dinner. Tony's pizza is not only delicious (they have lots of creative pies too) but at $2/slice is in my normal budget. Once we got there, however, AK's friend MT bought a pie and refused to allow me to contribute - ANOTHER FREE MEAL! I went to bed content - nothing better than a free buzz and a belly full of free pizza.

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