Friday, October 16, 2009

Recessiotarian Journal: Day #4

Recessiotarian Thursday:

Today felt like the humpday of my week of scrumptious scrounging.

In the morning I attended a workshop on energy options for low-income people (run, ironically, by electricity giant National Grid). The workshop turned out to be a lot of obnoxious corporate back-patting, but also a major source of
free food!

For breakfast I helped myself to three plates of delicious fruit, making up for lost vitamins (shocker alert: free food isn't always the healthiest.) I also grabbed a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, and managed to slip half a muffin and five mini-croissants into my bag at various times virtually undetected.

Those five croissants later became one buttery, flaky lunch.

For dinner I had another AVODAH program at Hunter College School of Social Work, and event that, lucky for me, provided
free (and delicious) Indian food which again, translated into plenty of leftovers for a spicy late-night snack.

1 comment:

  1. damn. i'm incredibly impressed. so impressed i might have to buy you lunch.
